Calling all parents, HPFC needs you! We are urgently seeking a volunteer to perform the role of Club Welfare Officer next season, the club cannot compete in any form of competition if this role is not filled so it is crucial that someone steps forward as soon as possible.
If you can support the club in fulfilling this vital position please get in touch with our Club Chairman Adrian via email:
The job description is below, naturally, a full handover will be supplied to whoever steps into the role alongside the ongoing support of the rest of the committee.
Welfare Officer Role
The role of welfare officer is very important to the club. It is a requirement that the club is aware of its responsibilities when running football activities for children and young people and also making sure these responsibilities are understood by others. Also, the role of a welfare officer is to help club personnel understand what their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people actually means and entails on a day-to-day basis.
Main Duties will include:
·     Completing DBS checks
·     Management of qualifications for coaches
·     Dealing with safeguarding concerns
·     Checking and updating policies and procedures
Time commitment:
This very much depends on what is happening at the time but on average it will require around 1 evening a week.
·     Safeguarding for all
·     Safeguarding for children
·     Safeguarding for committee members
·     Welfare officer training
Personal statement from current Welfare officer:
'I enjoy this role as I wanted to support the club but with limited football knowledge this was the perfect way to get involved. I am quite an organised person, which you need to be for this role as there is a lot of chasing people and making sure coaches are completing any recertification of qualifications in a timely manner. I have 2 assistant welfare officers so between the 3 of us, we can manage any safeguarding issues that are raised with minimal disruption to the players and the club.'
Being a key member of the committee which allows for the club to continue running as without the role of welfare officer this would not be possible. Full welfare officer training will be supplied by the club.